Calgary, AB
2020 Stinks!
51.0447° N, 114.0719° W
Bird nerds notes
This year has been off to a rough start with covid-19 disrupting everyone's life. So far, we've been fortunate and it's mostly been about staying indoors, isolating, and physical distancing for us. Under normal circumstances we'd be taking overnight trips to catch the early spring migrants but we're stuck at home. Luckily we've been able to take a few nearby trips and we've even had a couple special sightings including a rough-legged hawk and a black-backed woodpecker! We've also been taking the extra time at home to update our website and it's been fun looking through all our old adventures.
- Feb-Apr
- snowing
- celsius
First sightings (lifers) 1x
- Black-backed woodpecker
More adventures
Our book says black-backed woodpeckers 'are rarely seen even by the most committed naturalist' so we felt lucky spotting one