Western Canada
Exciting News
49.4849° N, 113.9441° W
Bird nerds notes
Despite not birding very much lately we've been very lucky with the birds we've seen. While out on a bike ride, Vince looked into a field and saw a whooping crane and it's a reminder why having a camera nearby is always a good idea! The next day we went back and Sandra got to see it too! We also had a gray-crowned rosy finch appear in our yard which was another solid lifer sighting. We also were able to visit Ucluelet in British Columbia and had a couple camping trips which were all amazing!
Trip Photos
First sightings (lifers) 3x
- Gray-crowned Rosy Finch
- Solitary Sandpiper
- Whooping Crane
More adventures
On a couple occasions we've seen waxwings doing a ritual where they pass a berry to one another, Brooks AB
Usually gray-crowned rosy finch hang out in the mountains so we were surprised when one showed up in our yard, Calgary AB