Calgary, AB
They're Back!
51.0447° N, 114.0719° W
Bird nerds notes
All of the birds are back! It's like someone flipped a switch and turned on all the birds. We've seen many blackbirds, wrens, tree swallows, bluebirds, robins etc. Online people are reporting tanagers and orioles. It's also been warm out! To top it off we spotted two new lifers -- the evening grosbeak and the horned grebe.
- May
- sunny
- celsius
First sightings (lifers) 3x
- Evening grosbeak
- Horned grebe
- Winter wren
More adventures
Our sparrow ID skills are a bit rusty after a long winter. It took a second for us to recall what a savannah sparrow looked like.
On a trip to Carburn Park in Calgary a handful of Franklin's Gulls were acting like ducks near shore.