Jalisco, Mexico
Mexican Birds
19.2252° N, 104.7040° W
Bird nerds notes
One of the Bird Nerd's favourite vacation destinations is the San Patricio area of Jalisco Mexico. We've been there a couple times however this was the first time we brought our birding gear. Turns out having rainforests, oceans, and lagoons next to each other makes for the best birding we've ever had. We didn't hit up the areas with parrots so that will be for next time. We did all our birding without guides and found these places by ourselves.
Trip Photos
- March
- sunny
- celsius
First sightings (lifers) 53x
- Anghinda
- Bare-throaded tiger heron
- Black vulture
- Blue bunting
- Blue-grey gnatcatcher
- Brown pelican
- Cacique
- Chachalaca
- Chickadee guy
- Cinnamon hummingbird
- Citreoline trogon
- Colima pygmy owls
- Common ground-dove
- Crested caracara
- Great flycatcher
- Golden-cheecked woodpecker
- Golden vireo
- Great kiskadee
- Green kingfisher
- Grayish saltator
- Happy wren
- Heermann's gull
- Hooded oriole
- Inca Dove
- Jacanda
- Least grebe
- Limpkin
- Little-blue heron
- Magnificent frigate
- Magpie-jay
- Neo-tropic cormorant
- Orange-breasted bunting
- Orchard oriole
- Painted bunting
- Pale-billed woodpecker
- Purple gallinule
- Roadside hawk
- Roseate spoonbill
- Ruddy ground-dove
- Sinaloa crow
- Snail kite
- Snowy egret
- Squirrel cookoo
- Stork
- Striped-headed sparrow
- Tri-colored heron
- Violet-crowned hummingbird
- Yellow-crested night heron
- White-collared seedeater
- White ibis
- White-faced parrot
- White-throated thrush
- White-tipped dove