Backyard Birding
In the hopes of practicing our identification skills, we purchased a bird feeder. So far we've seen a few sparrows, chickadees, flickers, downys, nuthatches and a house finch. Mostly we've seen squirrels and magpies who are quite persistent when it comes to feeders.
The feeders
Attempt 1
- Materials: Wire mesh
- Timeline: 2 days
- Cost: $10
Attempt 2
- Materials: Metal and plastic
- Timeline: 2 weeks
- Cost: $13.99
Attempt 3
- Materials: Plastic
- Timeline: still alive
- Cost: $11.99

Our visitors
House finch
Northern flicker
Red-breasted nuthatch
House sparrow
Black-capped chickadee
Blue jay
American robin
Dark-eyed junco
Bohemian waxwing
Ruby-crowned kinglet
House sparrow (female)
European starling (bad/evasive)
White-breasted nuthatch
Downy Woodpecker

The lessons
Don't underestimate the locals
If you think a squirrel can't reach something, you're wrong. If it's attached to a tree, a squirrel will figure out how to get to it. If you think to yourself "this can't possibly support a magpie's weight" you're wrong. Or, you're right, but it's all part of that magpie's plan.
Fewer pieces are better
Your feeder will be forcibly removed on a number of occassions. The time you spend trying to recover all of the pieces scattered via impact is exponentially increased by the number of pieces used in the construction of your feeder.
Uglier may mean tougher
Our most successful feeder (Attempt #3) is definitely the ugliest: 3 pieces of heavy duty plastic indestructibly fused together. It keeps getting knocked down, and we keep putting it back up.

Closing thoughts
Birds are the best! Having birds in your backyard is even better. Our experience has shown that bird feeders will attract more birds than nothing at all so our recommendation is to get a feeder. Be prepared to go up against the neighbourhood squirrels and magpies to protect your feed.